What are the Differences and Similarities Between AR-15 vs. M4?

Both AR-15 and M4 are very similar and really identical twins, actually. But still, we must find some of its difference to get the know more about them. It's not merely M4 vs AR15 but more than that. Ar-15 was first spread in the military by the colt company and became very popular among civilians. M16 is a version upgrade of AR-15 and M4 was its improvement.

Difference between AR-15 and M4

·        At first, let's notice the barrel length. For M4, it is 14.5 inches, and the AR-15's 16 inches. The short barrel in M4 carries a short gas tube, resulting in a high feed ramp and a decrease in pressure. you can also customize your ar 15

·        M4 being a military rifle, accommodates a grenade launcher on it. AR 15 has high adaptation capability. 

·        M4’s caliber is 5.56x45mm, whereas civilian AR-15s vary from .22LR to .50. 

·        M4 rifles are burst fire and automatic, but ARs are semi-automatic. 

·        Building an AR is very simple among anybody, but M4s are only available for U.S military purposes manufactured by FN Hernstal and Colt.

·        M4 comes under assault rifle; on the other hand, AR-15 does not.

Similarities between AR-15 and M4

Both the rifles are mostly similar other the M4 vs. AR-15 differences. Both are American rifles with a remarkable history. The charging handle, trigger, bolt carrier, other parts of the upper as well as lower receiver are similar. Many civilians name AR-15 as an assault rifle because of its specification.


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